Monday, May 12, 2014

Surprise Mother's Day Session

Today's blog is a bunch of kiddos very near and dear to my heart! I met my friend Ashley when we were both pregnant with our daughters. She introduced me to her sister Stephanie, who hired me to do her wedding - without a stitch of wedding experience!  I've been doing their pictures ever since, and I love being a part of these kids lives. Ashley and Stephanie's mom, Gail, has been one of my biggest cheerleaders and has referred more clients than I can count. So, to thank Gail (and of course my friends), we got together to do a surprise session of all the grandkids for Mother's Day. The kiddos pulled out some amazing pictures and were such troopers considering it was early in the morning and a bit chilly! Grandma Gail, we hope you enjoy! I can't thank you all enough for the love and support!

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